Chess terminology with to-the-point notes. Chess is a universal language, the glossary helps you to “speak” it even better!
- Active piece
- Advantage
- Algebraic notation
- Analysis
- Arbiter
- Attack
- Back rank
- Back rank mate
- Battery
- Bishop pair
- Blindfold Chess
- Blitz Chess
- Blunder
- Breakthrough
- Caissa
- Calculate
- Capture
- Castling
- Center
- Check
- Checkmate
- Clearance sacrifice
- Combination
- Development
- Diagonal
- Discovered attack
- Discovered check
- Double attack
- Double check
- Double Pawns
- Double Rooks
- Draw
- Elo rating
- En passant
- En prise
- Endgame
- Exchange
- Family check
- Fianchetto
- Figurine notation
- File
- Fool's mate
- Forced mate
- Fork
- Fortress
- Gambit
- Grandmaster
- Heavy Piece
- Helpmate
- J'adoube
- Kibitz
- Kibitzer
- Kibitzing
- King
- King Hunt
- Kingside
- Knight
- Knight Fork
- Knight's Tour
- Light Bishop
- Light Piece
- Lightning Chess
- Live Chess
- Living Chess
- Long Castling
- Major Pieces
- Mate
- Material
- Mating Attack
- Mating Sacrifice
- Middlegame
- Miniature
- Minor pieces
- Open file
- Opening
- Opposition
- Passed Pawn
- Passive
- Patzer
- Pawn
- Pawn chain
- Perpetual Check
- Phalanx
- Piece
- Pin
- Plan
- Poisoned Pawn
- Position
- Queen
- Queening a Pawn
- Queenside
- Rank (Row)
- Rapid Chess
- Remis
- Resign
- Royal Fork
- Sacrifice
- Scholar's Mate
- Score Sheet
- Short Castling
- Simultaneous Display
- Skewer
- Smothered Mate
- Stalemate
- Strategy
- Study
- Tactics
- Threat
- Three-time repetition
- Time Pressure
- Time Trouble
- Touch Move
- Tournament
- Trade
- Trap
- Tripled Pawns
- Under promotion
- Waiting move
- Weakness
- Win
- Winning the Exchange
- Zeitnot
- Zugzwang
- Zwischenzug