The Cognitive Profile Test (CPT) is publicly available and accessible to all schools that have included or integrated the Chess Palace Program into their curriculum.

The Program’s primary objective is to develop cognitive abilities, foster logical and creative thinking, and address deficiencies in thinking skills that arise in the digital age. The CPT is made to measure students’ progress along with those participating in the Chess Palace Program and control groups. It indicates how much general logical and thinking abilities have improved in students who have participated in the program, particularly when compared to students who have not been exposed to this method.

As part of the research aimed at evaluating the impact of the Chess Palace Program, online assessments were conducted in the program’s reference schools.


According to the results of our research, children studying in the Chess Palace Program perform better than their peers in almost all areas of cognitive development and this difference is statistically significant in a number of areas.

  • The strongest effect is in the field of intellectual abilities, especially in reasoning.
  • Compared to their peers, they tend to show better performance in verbal skills and arithmetic.
  • Our results demonstrate that children with special educational needs, as well as children from disadvantaged socio-cultural backgrounds, perform much better in the education using Chess Palace Program than in mainstream education, which is an important aspect in terms of integration. (Dr. habil. Éva Gyarmathy)

The results of the survey can be found HERE