How to Become a Champion
„I wrote this book for children who are already familiar with the rules of chess and wish to explore this wonderful game further, perhaps even trying themselves in competitions later on. So, this book is for you, to help you become a champion!”
Judit Polgár, the greatest female chess player in history, shares motivational anecdotes in short, personal stories about how she applies the theoretical basics, rules, and philosophy of the game in practical situations and everyday life.
The book contains:
- the fundamentals of chess
- the basics of understanding chess
- strategies
- tactics
- puzzles
- stories
- tests

This unique work- and textbook introduces children to the theory of chess and deepen their knowledge. The book is available in Slovenian and Hungarian, for purchase in bookstores or can be ordered here.
Play Magnus app (iOS / Android)
Thanks to the Play Magnus app, the dream of chess enthusiasts, both kids and adults alike, can virtually come true as they can test their skills against Judit Polgár. Within the app, in the „Play Judit” section, users can choose from 7 different profiles of Judit with varying levels of playing strength, ranging from age 5 to 29.
During the development of the app, Judit’s games played at different ages were extensively analyzed. The algorithm mapped and adapted openings, combinational skills, and the attacking style characteristic of Judit.
It’s a mental workout suitable both for beginners and advanced players! Bot
Another option for the brave: the world’s most popular chess website has also created a „robot profile” of Judit Polgár, the greatest female chess player in history. With a playing strength of 2735, chess enthusiasts can play against Judit at her peak on in the Top Players section of the Play Computer page.